Ulf Puder: Drift
Ulf Puder (b. 1958) graduated in 1990 from the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst (HGB) Leipzig as a Meisterschüler of Prof. Bernhard Heisig. He, together with his peer Neo Rauch, have influenced an important generation of artists. For Puder, his work is central to many of the leading Leipzig painters such as Matthias Weischer and today he is especially important to younger artists in Eastern and Central Europe.
His masterly paintings of architectural structures are devoid of human life and hover between abstraction and representation. Puder places chaos and quietude side by side. Symbols of human creation, industrialization and desolation are rendered in extreme perspectives, in front of dimly hued skies. Puder’s scenes induce a sense of calm disorder, or animated stillness, perplexing and haunting as they appear to the beholder.
Texts by Elisabeth von Thadden and Amanda Coulson. Bilingual in English and German.
Published by Verlag für moderne Kunst, 2007, hardcover, 66 pages, 11.75 x 9.25 inches.