A Sunny Day for Flowers by Zehra Khan & Tim Winn
In A Sunny Day for Flowers, animals frolic with flowers in a sunny world where real objects and a paper reality collide. Paper flowers are held, smelled, spoken to and danced with by a menagerie of animals that were either drawn, made out of paper, or are actually photographs of people dressed in paper costumes. The delightful animal/flower encounters are accompanied by simple and humorous words and phrases that encourage readers to stop and smell the roses.
Zehra Khan & Tim Winn have exhibited their work widely throughout the United States.
This book is part of the Soberscove Press Artists' Board Book series. Combining the conventions of artists' books with those of children's board books, the series was inspired by the delight and creativity with which young children visually and physically explore books. These books offer physical experiences with art for lookers and readers of all ages.
Published by Soberscove Press, 2014, board book, 16 pages, 6 x 6 inches.